URLs listed in this category:
Elite Sports Analysis UK
Sport statistics and performance analysis software for coaching team and individual sports like basketball, soccer and golf.
BIC and IBAN Data Validation Software
Visit Eiger Systems online for bank account validation software. BANK WIZARD is is Europe's leading data validation solution. Eiger Systems' BANK WIZARD solution validates sort codes, account numbers, BIC and IBANs.
Sales Force
CRM software solutions and enterprise cloud computing from salesforce.com, the leader in CRM and platform as a service.
Room Booking Software
Ungerbeock provides event management software for businesses of all sizes such as room booking software for places like convention centers, congress centers, and exhibition centers.
Canonical Correlation Analysis
Perform Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCorA) and other Multivariate analysis in Excel with XLSTAT - ADA, the advanced data analysis software for Microsoft Excel.
Elf Productivity
As a software house, should you have any unique requirements Elf can customise Ceequel® to meet your exact specification.
From their office in Aberdeen, Scotland, Intellicore offer Dynamics Customer Relationship Management, and bespoke software services to clients both home and abroad.
Custom Sharepoint administration, management and virtual learning environment services are a speciality for Aberdeen's Evoke IT. Their blog features articles, tutorials and infographics.
Digital signage
Publisher of digital signage software.
Ensign Advanced Systems Ltd
Ensign supplies ductwork, insulation, mechanical and electrical estimating software to UK contractors. Designed around estimators needs it helps win more work in much less time
WPF Chart
SciChart is a WPF Chart component that will get you incredible speed and amazing flexibility for your WPF Charts. This tool is backed by numerous WPF Charts examples available on the website thus helping you to get familiar or improve your skills.
Altium - PCB Design
Designers need tools that help them make the most of modern technologies, successfully manage projects, and deliver connected, intelligent products. We create the tools designers need.